Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Hide-A-Hose Central Vac System Takes Less Storage Space

In the recent years, central vacuum system with hide-a-hose has taken the market by storm. The demand has grown as more people are fascinated by the fact that instead of dragging a vacuum cleaner behind them, it is easy to pulling the hose from an inlet and cleaning the room without any hassle. Depending on the layout of the property hide-a-hose central vac can be fitted into the existing as well as new houses with the help of professionals. The hose connects through an inlet valve in the wall, which almost looks like an electrical outlet. Central vac systems come with many more attachment and accessory options. The future of central vacuum cleaning looks brighter than ever.

With the retractable central vacuum hose, pull out as much hose as you need to cover the area you are vacuuming. This also means, you can cut down the amount of inlets and keep the number limited that you need within the home, thereby cutting down on installation costs. The tubing that runs through the walls send the deposited dirt into a canister that is vented outside or captured in to a high-performance filter, so that dirt and odors are not re-circulated into the home.

Selecting a central vacuum system for your house requires a bit of research and exploring through various online stores. Custom Vacuum Systems has a leading and widely stocked central vacuum store in Suffolk County, Long Island area. At their store, you will find all kinds of central vacuum supplies and accessories to fulfill all your requirements like bags, filters, cleaning kits, hoses, hose management solutions, power heads, belts, and of almost all brands. You can also purchase replacement parts and accessories at their online store. To learn more about hide-a-hose for central vac, you can call at 631-544-0740 or visit their website at http://customvacs.com/.